History and Development
In 1974, Dr. Han Wei, the former dean of the university, established the “Alumni Contact Office” to unite alumni and assist in the development of the university. Gradually, the office expanded its services to include job counseling and fundraising for recent graduates.
In 1995, the office changed its name to “Alumni Service Center” and moved its job counseling services to the Student Affairs Office. However, after a year of operation and business review, the job counseling services were transferred back to the Alumni Service Center in September 1996. Two years later, in August 1998, the center was upgraded to a first-level unit.
In August 2011, the job counseling services were transferred to the newly established “Internship and Job Counseling Team” under the Student Affairs Office.
In August 2015, the Alumni Service Center, the Job Counseling Team, and the Development and Construction Center of the Secretary’s Office were integrated to form the Alumni and Social Resources Office, with the goal of providing more comprehensive and complete services. The office has three centers, including the Alumni Service Center, Resource Development Center, and Career Development Center.
In February 2016, the Career Development Center was merged into the newly established Industry-Academy Collaboration Promotion Center and renamed as the Job Counseling Team.
In August 2016, the office was officially renamed as the Alumni Service and Resource Development Office, with two centers under its jurisdiction, the Alumni Service Center and Resource Development Center.
Our Mission
Caring for CYCU alumni
Sharing CYCU spirit
Strengthening the bond of CYCU
List of Former Directors
林耘竹2023/11/01 to dateFuture Plans and Goals
Goal 1: Create a comprehensive and detailed alumni information database
1. Establish accurate data of current graduates
2. Promote an online system for alumni to update their information, to reduce the number of lost alumni and strengthen alumni communication.
3. Strengthen the classification and statistical functions of the alumni database to facilitate searching and organizing alumni information.
Goal 2: Assist alumni associations and departmental alumni associations
1. Assist in the legalization and strengthening of established alumni associations and departmental alumni associations
2. Encourage alumni to join alumni associations and departmental alumni associations
3. Assist in promoting the establishment of regional alumni associations and departmental alumni associations
4. Increase service to alumni associations and departmental alumni associations in various regions
Goal 3: Enhance alumni service
Provide alumni with various related services to enhance alumni loyalty to the alma mater.