• 化工系 68 級

美國 Wright State University 機械系主任

2006.08~present  Chair and Professor,Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering,Wright State University
2002~2006  Director of Graduate Studies and Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering ,University of Kentucky,Lexington,Kentucky
1996~2001  Associate Professor
1991~1996  Postdoctoral Research Scientist,MCAT/ELORET/NASA-Ames Moffett Field,California
1989~1991  Postdoctoral Research Asociate,Stanford University, Stanfor,California
1986~1989  Assistant Porfessor of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics,Michigan Technological Univeristy,Houghton,Michigan

  • 卓越貢獻或傑出事蹟:

    Chief academic and operating officer for a departmet with 20 faculty 650 undergraduate students, 70MS and 35PhD students.
    Major Accomplishments:
    Increase studet population from 320(2006)to 620(2012);
    increase departmental research expenditures from 1.7 million(2007)to 3.2million(2012);
    Create two new Ohio Centers of Excellence within the Department;
    Develop dual and/or joint degree MS program with Universities in China(DJTU), India(PSG) and Taiwan (CYCU&NTUT); Institute a project based learning program with fundraising,local industrial and AFRL supports;
    Organize and lead an international Engineering Leadership Camp for a consecutive of seven years; Sign as a PhD degree grantee for von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics at Belgium; Hire 7 new faculty and 3 new office staff;
    Start a new Renewal and Clean Energy MS degree (2008);
    Establish a new extended BS degree in the Lake campus (2010);
    Mentor a young faculty to win the NSF Career Award (2012);
    Generate an Industry funded senior faculty position (2012);
    Complete cycle of ABET review with a full six year accreditation for both Mechanical and Materials programs (2011-2012) and Lead a smooth conversion from quarters to semesters(2012).


    1. International Education Award, Wright State University, 2012.
    2. Outstanding Engineers & Scientists Award in the category of Education, Dayton’s Affiliate Societies Council, 2010.
    3. Silver Award, Royal Aeronautical Society, 2006.
    4. Ackroyd Stuart prize, Royal Aeronautical Society, 2006.
    5. ASME Student Section Outstanding Faculty Award, College of ngineering, University of Kentucky, 2006.
    6. ASME Student Section Outstanding Faculty Award, College of ngineering, University of Kentucky, 2004.
    7. SC2000 Gordon Bell Prize, honorable mention, price/performance category, 「High-cost CFD on a low-cost cluster」, 2000.
    8. Outstanding Teacher Award, College of Engineering, Tau Beta Pi and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1999.
    9. NASA software of the year award, honorable mention,「Overset Tools for CFD Analysis」,NASA, 1998.
    10. NASA group achievement award, National Aero Space Plane, Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation Team, NASA, 1992.