- 化工系 68 級
美國 Wright State University 機械系主任
2006.08~present Chair and Professor,Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering,Wright State University
2002~2006 Director of Graduate Studies and Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering ,University of Kentucky,Lexington,Kentucky
1996~2001 Associate Professor
1991~1996 Postdoctoral Research Scientist,MCAT/ELORET/NASA-Ames Moffett Field,California
1989~1991 Postdoctoral Research Asociate,Stanford University, Stanfor,California
1986~1989 Assistant Porfessor of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics,Michigan Technological Univeristy,Houghton,Michigan
Chief academic and operating officer for a departmet with 20 faculty 650 undergraduate students, 70MS and 35PhD students.
Major Accomplishments:
Increase studet population from 320(2006)to 620(2012);
increase departmental research expenditures from 1.7 million(2007)to 3.2million(2012);
Create two new Ohio Centers of Excellence within the Department;
Develop dual and/or joint degree MS program with Universities in China(DJTU), India(PSG) and Taiwan (CYCU&NTUT); Institute a project based learning program with fundraising,local industrial and AFRL supports;
Organize and lead an international Engineering Leadership Camp for a consecutive of seven years; Sign as a PhD degree grantee for von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics at Belgium; Hire 7 new faculty and 3 new office staff;
Start a new Renewal and Clean Energy MS degree (2008);
Establish a new extended BS degree in the Lake campus (2010);
Mentor a young faculty to win the NSF Career Award (2012);
Generate an Industry funded senior faculty position (2012);
Complete cycle of ABET review with a full six year accreditation for both Mechanical and Materials programs (2011-2012) and Lead a smooth conversion from quarters to semesters(2012).獲獎資料:
- International Education Award, Wright State University, 2012.
- Outstanding Engineers & Scientists Award in the category of Education, Dayton’s Affiliate Societies Council, 2010.
- Silver Award, Royal Aeronautical Society, 2006.
- Ackroyd Stuart prize, Royal Aeronautical Society, 2006.
- ASME Student Section Outstanding Faculty Award, College of ngineering, University of Kentucky, 2006.
- ASME Student Section Outstanding Faculty Award, College of ngineering, University of Kentucky, 2004.
- SC2000 Gordon Bell Prize, honorable mention, price/performance category, 「High-cost CFD on a low-cost cluster」, 2000.
- Outstanding Teacher Award, College of Engineering, Tau Beta Pi and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1999.
- NASA software of the year award, honorable mention,「Overset Tools for CFD Analysis」,NASA, 1998.
- NASA group achievement award, National Aero Space Plane, Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation Team, NASA, 1992.