• 化工系 61 級

Afton Chemical Corporation / Retired President
Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia / Trustee on the Foundation Board



  1. A key player in acquisitions of AMOCO Additives division(1992) and Texaco Additives(1996)
  2. Consolidate R&D from three operations: Ethyl. Amoco and Texaco
  3. Expanded Ethyl’s operations in Asia from $40 MM to $400 MM in ten years.
  4. Set up operations in China, growing business from less than $1MM to $200MM in ten years.
  5. Downsized Ethyl Japan
  6. Grew Afton from $600MM in sales to $2.2 billion in ten years.
    Grew stock price from $2.50 to more than $300 over the tenure as President